Thursday 20 September 2012

The Differences Between Screen Vs Print Document

In terms of screen and print document, there are differences between the structure of the design format and the layout of setting to the audience preferences. With these document, it has shows how the words and image have been collaborate together to present the information for the audience to understand. By accordance to Bernhardt theory, “there have been categories that visual information could possibly show in a non linear text and linear text format.”(Bernhardt, 1986)

Based on the print document, “non-linear text are common occur in the reading path format such as in the magazines, newspaper, and etc.” (Bernhardt, 1986)  Likewise, these visual form are usually illustrated as based on the text or graphic to explain the information or meaning to the audience to understand. By referring to the picture below, printed document have to arrange accordance to the linear structure and provide specific information in the papers. 

 Printed Document

However as we move on to the screen document, “linear text are usually impose to the reading format such as they will guild reader with picture or text to follow their sequence of the pages.” (Bernhardt, 1986) For example, a webpage of information often connect reader with picture to explain the meaning as compare to text.  

Screen Document 
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As a result of these, both document are important as the main purpose of these is to provided ease for reader to understanding and convenient for them to read.   

References List 
Bernhardt. S. A 1986, Seeing the Text, National Council of Teacher of English, College Composition and Communication, Vol.37, No.1, pp. 66-78
Viewed on 26 August 2012

The New Forms of Media Publishing

In recent mass media, blogger have the options to choose between the sources of media to publish their message or ideas to the internet. For example, “current social media such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+ have created ease for blogger to respond short messages or comment to their audiences and the follower.”(Foremski, 2007) Besides that, video blog have also become a main source of media publication which user could record and talk in front of the camera and upload to the internet such as Youtube. The video below will shows you some example of famous youtuber who have over millions of subscriber which they have followed his vblog every weeks. 

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Apart from that, modern technologies have also brought bloggers a new experience for the user to create blogs differently by applying to their smart devices. As accordance to Erica Sadun finding, Apple Inc have recently launch the latest IOS 5 or 6 on the new Iphone which have create the ability to talk with Siri through voice over. With this new devices, Siri could used as a medium for the blogger by posting their blogs into the internet. For example, “ the Siri software would convert the voice command into words and post to their blogs.” (Sadun 2011) 

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Besides that, "current smart device have also made convenient for the blogger by posting their own review or thoughts accessing through other social media such as Tumblr, Posterous or even Wordpress." (Sadun Erica, 2011)

References List

Foremski. T 2007, We live in a many-media world with new forms of media, Silicon Valley Watcher

Viewed on: 20 September 2012

Sadun. E 2011, Bloggin with your voice: Siri, Blogger and post by sms, Tuaw
Viewed on: 20 September 2012