Wednesday 19 September 2012

Different Types of blogs & appropriate approach of opinions

In terms of publication of blogs, many users have their own unique idea and opinion to share to the community. As such, internet web based have provide blogger the opportunity to create their blog differently through various types of blogs. With accordance to the “ classification, they have eventually categories them into difference theme and template such as: personal, business, school, non-profit, politics, military, private, sports, tips and reviews.” (, 2012)

As according to Margaret Simons, "languages are always one of the main sources of the writer ability to create new vocabulary and providing understanding meaning to the readers." (Simons, 2008) Likewise, “a blogger may have to hone on their writing skill and their words of expression while trying to keep their blog interesting and fun. Besides that, spelling and grammar mistakes should be taken into consideration as the idea and message are well delivered to the readers.” (Meadows, 2012)

As a result of these, “blogs should be communicated in a great way to share blogger passions and interest by providing information which offers to the rest of the world.” (Meadows, 2012)

Reference List
Meadows. A 2012, Different Types of Blogs and the Many Facts of Blogging
Viewed on: 19 September 2012

Simons. M 2008, Towards a taxonomy of blogs, Australian Policy Online
Viewed on: 19 September 2012

WordPress 2012, Types of blogs,
Viewed on: 19 September 2012

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