Wednesday 19 September 2012

Blogs Credibility for Readers & How we could build a Credibility Blog

With the advance development growth of the internet, blogs and social media have become common sources of communication which allow user to search for info and updated with current news. For example, “readers could perceive on different types as refer to the blog credibility as such like: website design features, source attribution, news story design and website genre.” (Qing, 2011) With these feature, blogger will share information by providing interesting design and functionality for the user to experience new feature of the WebPages. 

Apart from that, “credibility in a blog is very important for a blogger as these would possibly open doors for partnership or any collaboration to work with other people.”  (Starak, 2011) Likewise, these could allow blogger to increase based on their “blog traffic with high demand of visit and could lead them to build relationship with their audience.”(Starak, 2011) Hence, these would stimulate a good feedback and reputation for future preference. 

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How could we build a credibility blog?

As for bloggers, the most important thing to achieve in this field is to gain more reputation from the audience and viewer to visit their blog regularly. However, “these fields are mainly based on your quality level and experience to share your expertise on a particular topic to the world.” (Panwar, 2011) Therefore, “blogger may have to provided media support as the more press the media applies, the more names will be spoken and known.” (Panwar, 2011)

Reference list
Qing. Q, M 2011, Credibility Perceptions of Different Types of Weblogs among Young Adults, Volume 11, Issue 19, Global Media Journal
Viewed on: 20 September 2012

Panwar. R 2011, Top 10 Secrets to Build Your Blog Credibility, DotComFacts
Viewed on: 20 September 2012

Starak. Y 2011, The Power of Credibility,
Viewed on: 20 September 2012

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