Wednesday 7 November 2012

E-book publishing; new business model & new media ecosystem; readers’ preferences/ expectations

On the US market these days, E-book publisher are now expanding their business model to the extent that allow readers for easy access connectivity and made convenient for the user to purchase digital copy through online.

This possibility which made it happen should give credit to the fast improvement of technology and “e-reading electronic gadgets such as the new Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble.” (Hill, S, 2012)  One of these reason is because, those gadgets have provides the functionality and features in reading experience which able to substitute with a book. Apart from that, those touch devices on the market have becoming a digital trend for all of us to have unlimited access of books to carry around as a portable devices. Therefore, it could possibly change a consumer reading method and affect the print books sales to decrease on the market.

 “As according to the, they have reported that the sales of kindle E-books have been surpass the sales of printed books through online.” (Malik, S, 2012)

However in Malaysia, E-book reading is still not a viral hit for Malaysian to purchase online books or digital copy. Due to these reason is because, there are still some drawback or barrier of copyright and censorship for Malaysian to purchase or rent the copy through the internet. For example, one of the main reasons behind is that Amazon account is still not available in Malaysia. “According to social reader in Malaysia, the reader may have to purchase a kindle gift cards on the website to use as a credit card by purchasing books content online. As Malaysian Credit card are not acceptable to purchase any books through Amazon store.” (Rozario, K, 2012) 

In terms of Malaysian aspect, cost is always an issue for the community as people will always go for a cheaper price for their reading material.  “As the newly Kindle Touch have been recently announce in the US with the selling price at $99 which about RM 300. However in Malaysia, there have been a 33% of tax premium for all imported shipment goods which have eventually hike up the price at RM500+.” (Rozario, K, 2012)  As a result of these, consumer decided to fall back and decided to purchase a better product such as IPad or Galaxy Tab.

Reference List
Hill, S 2012, How to pick the right e-reader, Digital Trends, viewed at 1 November 2012

Malik, S 2012, Kindle ebook sales have overtaken Amazon print sales, The Guardian,viewed at 1 November 2012

Rozario, K 2012, Kindle in Malaysia: Buying and Using a Kindle in Malaysia, Viewed at 1 November 2012 

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