Wednesday 7 November 2012

Ethical Publishing principles-piracy & file sharing sites; copyright regulations & fair use; new music business model & new media ecosystem

In the music industry, technology have change the way we listen to song and purchase the music as compare to 15 years back then. In the current era, publishers have been commercializing their albums through the internet media such as YouTube to advertise the song and applying iTunes for user to purchase the song in digital format.   

By according to the bar chart above, the statistic have shown that in 1991 to 2006, the number of music store have been tremendously decline from 9500 to 2000 store across America. Due to these reason is because, people on the internet have starting to download song and reduce the number of people walk into the store to purchase CDs.  As these could be the factor where “Apple inc have introduce a music store which called as “iTunes” in 2002, which enable user to search for any new or old album through their data base and purchase them online.” (Daniel, R, 2007) As accordance to the Wal-Mart report, “they have claims that the sales of iPod + iTunes have eventually doubled up the sales albums with a deep catalog of song directory for older and more obscure albums.” (Daniel, R, 2007)

However, user have been misused the services provider for file sharing and P2P network provider. For example, there are number of list for file sharing website such as LimeWire, Bit Torrent, UTorrent, Pirate Bay, Napster and etc.

As for these days, piracy on file sharing is unstoppable where every day and everywhere in the world, new file content will be uploading into the internet which allow user to download illegally content.  Apart from that, government has also take into serious action to stop the online piracy traffic by shutting down the developer. However, “research team has proved that file sharing technology is impossible to terminate the network as the internet is an open source of services provider. “ (Nguyen, T, 2012) 

However as an ethical of the music industry business, reputation is always an important role model for the musician as to maintain and create sustainability for the business. For example, “talent and skill for a single will eventually sustain the company reputation and attract people to buy their albums or poster of the singer.” (Hatschek, K, 2006)  Therefore, music industry may have created albums which are limited edition and collectable items which allow people to continue and have trust to the company

Reference List
Daniel, R 2007, Did iTunes Kill the Record Store?, viewed at 2 November 2012

Hatschek, K 2006, Ethics in the Music Business, Artistshouse Music, viewed at 2 November 2012

Nguyen, T 2012, Piracy now unstoppable? New file-sharing network can’t be shut down, Smart Planet, Viewed at 2 November 2012

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