Wednesday 7 November 2012

Situational/ Cultural context; journalism ethics; gender issues & news representation

In the front pages of media these days, female photograph have been capture as an advertising marketing icon to promote out a product or a glamorous items to the 
public's. As these could shows that most female model or idols are mainly based on their looks, appearances and bodies appealing to gain attention of their personality. Due to these is because, the number of male journalism have been increased which female icon have becoming their main attention for the public to see it front line. 

In the world of journalism, “researcher has found out that male journalist is greater in number as compare to female journalist.” (Bazelon, E, 2012)  In this industry, the number of males has eventually dominion the position of journalism as their main occupation. For example, “most of the male journalism is mainly focus on the issue which concern to the politics, economic and foreign policy on the current market.” (Bazelon, E, 2012) As these have eventually creates opportunity for the male to enhance this position as their profession. 

(Image Sources:

However, this issue does not lead to stereotype among genders as there are still hands full of female journalism working in this role. For example, they still associate with the media to provide info and coverage of news for the society. 

As we move on the female journalism, “some people would claim that most of the female reporters are mainly assigned for the soft beat topics which would only able to covers topic such as entertainment, travels and or etc.”  (Shaukat A, 2012) One of these reason is because, “the number of women writers who are involve on the journalism media are hardly published as their facts and content are not that solid as compare to male journalism.” (Doll, J, 2012)

Apart from that, these could also conclude that some women are more towards a feminine ways where they are “less confident enough or ‘chicken out’ when they have the opportunity to speak out” (Shaukat A, 2012) Therefore, these could lead them a challenge as compare to male in the role of journalism. As a result of these, “gender based on stereotyping have eventually beat the job position of journalism which male are more comfortable to hold on this profession.”(Shaukat, A, 2012)

Reference List 
Bazelon, E 2012, Male Journalists May Dominate Campaign Coverage, But Look What Women Write About, Viewed at 5 November 2012

Doll, J 2012, Do Female Journalists Have a Confidence Problems?, Viewed at 5 November 2012

Shaukat, A 2012, Why Give Female Reporters ‘Soft’ Beats?, Viewed at 5 November 2012

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