Wednesday 7 November 2012

Stereotyping & media representation; cultural/ situational context

In today society, stereotyping has been an issue around the world where most people have been offended by their belief and culture on the media. As we know that, the media and the internet have been globalization sharing content such as newspaper, films, video games, books, or even a video clip on the internet.

Here are a some video which show the public that react to stereotypes

As most of the people in the society have argued that, gender stereotyping among races and religion or belief are always the main cause of stereotype. For example in the media, “celebrities have always the symbols of media portrays based on their bodies to get public response such as attractive, desirable, good or unintentionally receive comment like bad, ugly or fat.” (McConnell, M, 2003)

“This famous actor Jack Black was known to be famous and funny at his look, but was criticizing as a fat guy.” (Tourtellotte, B, 2008)

Apart from that, comic books and cartoons could be stereotyping among people through the words or drawing which criticize on their culture or belief. As we know that, the purpose of stereotyping on the cartoon or comic was to entertain and create funny humor jokes as to attract the attention of the viewer. For example, “these cartoon or comics could be used as an effective ways to deliver the messages to the viewer within a very short period of time.” (Naru & Grace, 2010)

In addition to that, technology on the internet have also come into an issue where people are starting a war against the smart device developer that were Andriod vs IOS. As a new survey has found out that different gender apply to different types of usages and choice of devices. For example as accordance to reviews, most of the “Andriod user are claims to be a male at the age from 18 to 34 with the annual income less than $100,000 and iPhone/IOS users were mostly female at the age of 35 above which an annual income of $200,000.” (It, 2011) 

As a result of these, a stereotype is always there where everyone in this world is not treated equally. Human being may have to accept this fact and think differently and be more open to some issue by overcoming it. 

Reference List
It, 2011, Andriod, iPhone User Stereotypes Revealed, Viewed on 7 November 2012

McConnell, M 2003, Media and Gender Stereotyping, Viewed on 7 November 2012

Naru & Grace 2010, Stereotypes and the Internet, Viewed on 7 November 2012

Tourtellotte, B 2008, Jack Black: It’s not easy being the fat guy, viewed on 7 November 2012

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